Monday, March 17.
  • Breaking News

    Harley Davidson Theme for Windows 7

    Harley-Davidson is an American motorcycle manufacturer founded in
    Harley-Davidson American motorcycle theme for Windows
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the first decade of the 20th century. The company sells heavyweight (over 750 cc) motorcycles designed for cruising on the highway. Harley-Davidson motorcycles (popularly known as "Harleys") have a distinctive design and exhaust note. They are especially noted for the tradition of heavy customization that gave rise to the chopper-style of motorcycle.

    Harley-Davidson bikes are a dream of one's lifetime. I hope you also dream it to use in your desktop! So here it is. Harley-Davidson theme for your Windows 7 OS.

    Harley-Davidson Included:
    - Shell32 Replacement Images
    - Start Menu User Pic Frame
    - Startmenu Animation 2
    - Harley Davidson Startorb
    - Extra Startorbs
    - TaskDock
    - Timedatex for 32 & 64 bit systems
    - Universal Theme Patcher for 32 & 64 bit systems
    - W7SBC
    - Windows Theme Installe
    - CreativX2 Gadget
    - Full glass.exe
    - StartOrbz Studio.exe
    - Win7LogonBackgroundChanger.exe
    - explorerframe.dll for if Hyperdesk is installed
    - explorer.exe for if Hyperdesk is installed
    - Harley Davidson System Icons
    - Complete set of Harley Davidson Icons and PNG's
    How To Install Harley-Davidson Win7 Theme:
    Are you little bit worried to see lots of changing item list? Dont worry. All the items are included ina application file. So just click and extract to default destination folder. Then go to personalize and apply the installed theme. That's all. Enjoy Harley-Davidson bikes on your PC.
    Harley Davidson theme for Windows 7

    Things You Must Know Before Installing Theme:
    1.Many 3rd party themes are not installed properly if you dont patch your uxtheme file.Because the GUI of any themes are dependent on these file.typically it doesn't allow user to rewrite windows's original data.So Click Here to download 1 click Utility tools to patch your uxtheme file.
    2.Always create a restore point for critical visual themes in order to protect your system.
    Or Check This Post--
    Exclusive Theme Collection For Your Windows 7 PC:
    You can download all the best Windows xp free themes from HERE
    Windows Vista Theme Download FROM HERE


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    2. Where the hell can i download it?
