Tuesday, March 18.
  • Breaking News

    Ladies Windows 7 Theme Exclusive Pink Version

    Its worldwide stablished that pink is for ladies. So this time i made up my mind to bring a theme for your Windows 7 what is specially made for ladies. Hope you all like this Pink theme.
    Ladies pink Theme Contains:
    - Pink theme pack
    - Matching Wallpaper
    - The pink Start orb
    - explorerframe.dll with the pink back-, forward-, close- and minimize button
    - instructions
    the leopard pattern in the taskbar and explorerframe is transparent so you can choose any color.
    How To Install Pink Theme:
    - Put the Pink-Leo Folder and the Pink-leo.theme to c:\windows\resources\themes. Then go to Desktop Personalize & apply Pink-Leo.
    - Use Windows 7 Start Orb Changer To Change your Start Menu.
    - Replace the ExplorerFrame.dll with original one in c:\windows\system32 to see pink back, forward, close and minimize buttons.

    Things You Must Know Before Installing Theme:
    1.Many 3rd party themes are not installed properly if you dont patch your uxtheme file.Because the GUI of any themes are dependent on these file.typically it doesn't allow user to rewrite windows's original data.So Click Here to download 1 click Utility tools to patch your uxtheme file.
    2.Always create a restore point for critical visual themes in order to protect your system.
    Or Check This Post--
    Exclusive Theme Collection For Your Windows 7 PC:

    You can download all the best Windows xp free themes from HERE
    Windows Vista Theme Download FROM HERE

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