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    First Windows Phone 7 Updates Will Come In January 2011

    Windows Phone 7 Cheap PriceIf you are a Windows Phone 7 user then there is one very good news waiting for you. It seems that they are very serious about their Windows Phone 7. And now they are trying to make it as a successful smartphone platform. Because Microsoft plans to release updates for Windows 7 regularly. According to Chris Walshie, first jailbreaking tool creator of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft is ramping up a major update in early January 2011.

    Apparently, Microsoft has been working on this first update long before the actual Windows Phone 7 release, which is very believable considering Joe Belifore announced a copy and paste feature to come in early 2011, at the release launch.

    Other new features rumored to be added are: copy and paste, 3rd party multitasking, custom ringtones and some enhancements to Bing for turn-by-turn directions.

    Walshie also noted in a tweet, “Microsoft took 3 months to do what Apple did in 3 years.” Which is true if the rumor is accurate, however, Apple was out in front of the smartphone market by far, so they could be slow to update some of their missing core features, Microsoft needs to update quickly and often if they wish to get WP7 off the ground and in the race.

    But till now Microsoft has confirmed nothing, this update for Windows Phone is a rumor so far.

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