• Breaking News

    Windows 8 coming with 128-bit Architecture?

    Another Surprising News is floating all around the web about upcoming Windows 8. Microsoft is expected to make Windows 8 64-bit only. That would follow on from Windows Server 2008 R2, which is 64-bit. Windows 8 may not be fully 128-bit ready – after all, Morgan only says they’re working on full binary compatibility for Windows 8.
    And even surprising is that Microsoft is working on 128-bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 and Windows 9 kernels. Consequently, the company is also forming relationships with major partners, including Intel, AMD, HP, and IBM.

    Windows 8 and 9, Windows 7's successor(s) have been in the planning and early development stages for a while now. Exactly two weeks ago,  A LinkedIn profile, which has already been taken down, for a Robert Morgan, Senior Research & Development at Microsoft, has shone a sliver of light on the possibility of 128-bit support coming to Windows 8. Morgan has been with the software giant since January 2002, but we're more intrigued with what his profile (first paragraph) and his status (second paragraph) recently stated:

    Working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects. Research & Development projects including 128bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP, and IBM.
    Robert Morgan is working to get IA-128 working backwards with full binary compatibility on the existing IA-64 instructions in the hardware simulation to work for Windows 8 and definitely Windows 9.
    Windows 8 News found Morgan's profile first and immediately started trying to get in contact with him over LinkedIn. When people saw this, we leaned back and waited to see if they could get a response from him. They did. The site claims it has managed to get an exclusive interview with Morgan and is letting its readers to ask questions. The deadline is October 11, 2009 so head on over and post your queries.

    This Windows 8 news is interesting because people always thought Windows 7 would be the last release that had 32-bit and 64-bit versions. This was brought on by the fact that Windows Server 2008 R2, the server version of Windows 7, was the first Windows Server release to be 64-bit only. The next client version of Windows should therefore follow suit, but apparently Microsoft is going to prepare it for 128-bit as well. We're not saying Windows 8 will definitely come in 64-bit and 128-bit flavors, but Microsoft is moving down that path, and at the very least, Windows 9 will. Super-Computing will be in your home very soon!
    Now Wait and see!!! Windows 8 is one the way!!!!

    Windows 8 Exclusive Updates At A Glace:
    Windows 8 Build 7705.0.100129-1930 Compiled Unconfirmed News
    Windows 8 Comes With 128-bit Architecture?
    Windows 8 Gives Users More Power To Optimize Speed Computing
    Windows 8 Video & Info
    Windows 8 Wallpaper & Theme
    New Set Of Windows 8 Wallpaper
    Something about Windows 8 release
    Real Windows 8 Screenshot?
    Microsoft developer Confirms New GUI In Windows 8
    Windows 8 With New Networking Feature?
    Windows 8 Transformation Pack Download


    1. plese post link for windows 8

    2. dumb ass its just a fake picture everyone can do it using resource hacker and notepad

    3. yeah too bad dumbass it's a picture so it would require photoshop or another image manipulator to fake it... It's not a program which would require resource hacker or a text document for notpad... Moron
